is building apps that
provide consumers access
to their healthcare data
Sign up now for a free information download
and receive our new app, MOOZi,
on its first day out.
Power up your data
for a better healthcare
Medaflex is building apps that provide consumers access to their healthcare data. On the Medaflex platform users can collect, build, and control their own medical records. They learn to use the information for more effective interactions with their doctors and clinicians.
Medaflex is creating more equitable outcomes from consumer healthcare experiences, better outcomes for longer healthier lives.
Kick back, Medaflex has your data covered. We put the power of your medical data in your hands. Sign up now for a free information download and receive our new app, MOOZi, on its first day out.
Kick back, Medaflex has your data covered. We put the power of your medical data in your hands. Sign up now for a free information download and receive our new app, MOOZi, on its first day out.

Working from inside
the healthcare industry

Medaflex ensures better patient outcomes from initial patient visits to doctors, clinics and hospitals. Arming patients with their recent prescriptions, labs, and test results helps practitioners avoid the high cost of duplicative testing and drug interactions. Practitioners make better decisions and insurers and healthcare systems avoid more costly outcomes from mistakes.
Medaflex works with Medicare Advantage and corporate wellness program providers to bring better healthcare outcomes to their customers and workers through personalized platformed multi-source health record management. Bring your wellness programs to our platform.

What if we always had our critical health information with us?
What if you could give a new doctor the results
from your last labs and tests, right away, while you
are there, during that critical first visit?
MOOZi Creates Your Personal Health Record
Be First Encounter Ready
In Minutes – Dr. has your:
Medications – Labs – Tests – Nutrition – Fitness
Helping You Win the Healthcare Game
Earn Premium Points every time you use MOOZi
Stay Well – Control Your Personal Record – Enjoy Rewards
Information sent directly
to your healthcare provider
however they like it.
Establishing the flow of healthcare
information now
90% of healthcare information is now available to Health Information Exchanges.
Medaflex is platforming to access all of these exchanges, plus dozens of great new and emergent 3rd party apps and services.
The MOOZi App will be among the first to be a TEFCA Qualified Health Information Network (QHIN) in 2022
This will allow Medaflex to access all HIE participants from our platform. To our knowledge, we will be the only 21st Century Cares Act specified 3rd party app to connect across the National Health Information Network.
All of the providers, hospitals, clinics, and labs on this map are already enabled for EHR (electronic healthcare records) exchange.


Medical Groups


Million Patients